Welcome to this MacHTTP Server!

Put your welcome info here!

Click here to read MacHTTP documentation. (Do this first!!!)

Click here for the official MacHTTP home page.

URL Examples

The following link demonstrates how to access files in other directories. Note! MacHTTP expects to find all of its files in the same folder where the application resides, or sub-folders within the application folder. Remember that if you use aliases to files that live elsewhere on your disk, MacHTTP continues to work as if the original file is located where the alias is stored, not where the original is. So, relative URL references and links to other files in the original should be created as if the file is actually stored where the alias is. Got that?

Click here to see an example of a HTML file stored in the sub-folder "More_HTML".

Other WWW References

More information on URLs can be obtained from http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/url-primer.html.

Information on writing HTML documents for WWW can be obtained from http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/html-primer.html.

Scripting Demo

WARNING!!! Only click on the following anchors if you're sure AppleScript is installed on this server!

Script Execution Example - Runs the AppleScript "sample.script".

Searchable Document Example - Runs the AppleScript "search.script".

Clickable Map Example - Shows how to make pictures with hot spots

Please open and read these script files for more details. They are text files and can be opened by any text editor.